Ola everybody,
First of all big thank you for all of you present to the wedding! We really hope that you enjoyed it at least as much as we did 😉
I’ll be very short as we are still recovering after the great party we had on Saturday 😀 So … wedding day – wake up at 7, get dressed, start doing traditions, eat, dance, drive, in a hurry, church, a lot of people, church, hot, a lot of flashes (from photos), very nice ceremony, impressive singing from our god-father, a lot of kisses, hot outside, flowers, drive again, party place, a lot of people, champagne, a lot of kissing again, green, grass, not so hot anymore, presents, pictures, a lot of pictures, more pictures, food for everybody, drinking water, first dance, extremely nervous (both), a lot of applause (thank you :-D), everybody dance, more food for everybody, more water for us, stolen bride, negotiation, bride recovered, stolen groom, Simply the BEST, recovered groom, more pictures, more food, more water, chicken dance, big and very tasty cake, people leaving (:-(), taxis, more people leaving, more taxis, pictures, taxis, more water, cookies, taxis, all people left, party over, first food for us, presents unpacking, astonished&amazed by presents (thank you all again!!), sleep (2h), waken up by the rain (thank you God for the best weather we could ask for), more rain, more heavy rain, brunch, more rain, presents + parents transportation at home, more presents taken at home, more rain, delivery of presents from us some participants, going for some drinks, back home, parents left, recovered pictures from photographers (almost 3000 :-D) and finally sleep (~8h).
So … that’s just a very tiny, small part of what we did on 25th and 26th, but please be sure that we enjoyed every second 😉
On Monday we solved most of the problems left, got an extremely big surprise with a last-minute present from 9 wonderful people (thank you guys !!!). At about 7 p.m. we were at the airport, at 9:20 Budapest time we were already in Hungary. This morning at about 11 a.m we arrived in Palma de Mallorca airport and at around 12:30 at the hotel. After sleeping another 4 hours we are still not completely recovered, but we promise to write more starting tomorrow.
By that time please find some nice pictures from the wedding (until we manage to find a way of uploading 8 GB of pictures on the web 😉
Kisses !
Dobrestii 😀
P.S. it seems I wasn’t that short after all … 😀
Dragii Mei,
Irina Grigorovici va scrie. Am vazut cu mare placere pozele de la nunta voastra! Ati aratat minunat in ciuda caldurii excesive si a emotiilor! Eugenia ai fost superba! Nici ca puteai gasi o rochie mai potrivita! Totul ti-a venit perfect!
Cred ca v-ati distrat de minune si ca ati trait din plin acest mare eveniment!
Sa va fie de bine! Sa aveti parte de ani multi, frumosi si fericiti impreuna! Sa aveti parte de o casnicie trainica care sa va implineasca si sa va dea unda verde in viata! Si cand o fi si veti dori, Dumnezeu sa va dea un bebe (sau mai multi!) frumos si sanatos!
Inca o data imi pare rau ca nu am putut ajunge, dar sper ca dupa ce va reveniti si va odihniti bine si va asezati amintirile in ordine, sa ne vedem sa ne povestiti!
Noi in perioada 3-9 septembrie suntem in Bulgaria dar dupa stam pe acasa….nu ne mai permitem sa iesim din Bucuresti….ca deh…..am 7 luni!
Va pupam si va dorim tot binele din lume!
Cu drag,
Irina si Dragos Grigorovici
PS- o sa trimitem si noi niste poze sa ma vedeti cu burtica. Hi hi hi!!
Dear Irina,
Thanks a lot for your nice thoughts and for your compliments as well 🙂 You are very nice and I can not wait to see you with your nice belly-belly 🙂
Until we will meet again, we send to you and Dragos many kisses and smiles from El Arenal, Palma de Mallorca 🙂