By the grace of Mother Nature, yesterday we enjoyed a very tasteful pineapple.
Since we arrived in Brazil, we learned lots of things about different plants and fruits. Regarding pineapples in particular we discovered:
- how easy is to plant them just by cutting a few centimeters of the fruit along with the leaves and put them in a small hole in the sand or soil;
- how delicious and fresh is the tea prepared from the pineapple’s peel and parts which are not good to be eaten;
- each pineapple takes more than one year to grow;
- raw pineapple is 86% water, and it is an important source of vitamin C (58% of Daily Value) and manganese (44% of Daily Value) and many other important micronutrients.
Today, to continue our #JourneyForSoil, Horia was planting another pineapple in our garden where we have already more than 15 others planted in just a few months.