Wearing a SLING…carrying a DOG?

Indeed, this is the most frequent question people ask or have on their faces when they see us wearing the sling.

Since we decided to take Nadia outside the house, we used only the sling as a baby-carrying instrument. And it’s very funny to see people passing near to me or Pedro and take a look at what we are carrying inside. The reactions are different: either they smile to us, even small children, either they spell it out laud “it’s a child…” or “they are really crazy!” or “was it a dog?”.

These days I realized that if you are a little bit different from the majority and you live in Bucharest/Romania, people actually stare at you, so you really feel different. And I have in mind persons with special needs, black people or even Chinese that live here.

This is sad in my opinion. These people don’t need to see all these reactions, they are perfectly conscious about the differences. I think this is a thing we need to educate in time and probably when Nadia will grow, she will not stare at mums who are carrying their kids in a Sling or a Wrap or a Mei tai.



05 comments on “Wearing a SLING…carrying a DOG?

  • Adelle , Direct link to comment

    Foarte faine ultimele poze cu Nadia πŸ™‚

    Priviri ciudate am tot primit si noi in wrap sau in sling. Comentariul cu cainele nu l-am auzit, inca. :))
    Au fost priviri ciudate doar la inceput, dupa ce a mai crescut Ra, lumea a inceput sa ne zambeasca si chiar sa ne intrebe cum se numeste esarfa, de unde o avem etc.

    • eugenia , Direct link to comment

      Multumim πŸ™‚

      Cat despre “cainele din sling”, probabil ca asta se intampla din cauza faptului ca noi o purtam pe Nadia astfel incat ceilalti sa nu-i vada fata sau capsoru’ πŸ™‚

  • mintzu , Direct link to comment

    It’s not necessarily about the sling.. They need to comment/stare/make you feel “different” anyways… it’s in their nature. This is the only unusual fact in their life, besides staring at their TV for hours. You just need to educate Nadia to be different. Examples around us show us how NOT to act. So we need to thank them:) Meanwhile just enjoy her smile (which I’m sure you do from all your heart) and let them stare.


  • ROXdOR & Luca , Direct link to comment

    Fara indoiala… a dog πŸ™‚ LOL. Tre sa recunosc ca am adorat ideea de slig care pt bonding e suuuper, however la Luca nu a mers. Unsure de ce exact, dar n-a mers. Poate pt ca mi se parea ca sta mai bine in carseat de unde se uita cu ochii cascati in toate partile din prima zi. Adorabila micuta! Va urmaresc evolutia cu interes.

    • eugenia , Direct link to comment

      Recunoastem si noi ca scoica e pe locul 2 in topul preferintelor Nadiei ca si instrumente de carat/ petrecut timpul. Vrem in curand sa incercam si un wrap πŸ˜‰ asa ca o sa mai povestim despre carrying the baby. Va pupam si va solicitam niste foto cu Luca si cu voi, binenteles πŸ˜‰

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